neděle 13. dubna 2008

Money money Money

Tak tohle považuju za jeden z nejlepších songů od Dejvida Guetty. A videjko je taky opravdu luxusní samé money. A text opravdu poučný.
Money MP3

She don´t care about education
Money is her motivation
He don´t live for love and passion
when he can buy his satisfaction

Money, Money get rich or die tryin´
Money, Money get rich or die tryin´
Money, Money get rich or die tryin´
Money, Money get rich or die tryin´

Get diamonds and celebrity
be famous or die tryin´
the power, the luxury
be a star or die tryin´

Money, Money get rich or die tryin´
Money, Money get rich or die tryin´
Money, Money get rich or die tryin´
Money, Money get rich or die tryin´

A driver, a Limousine
be famous or die tryin´
A body guard some Jewelry
be a star or die tryin´

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